Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Wednesdays theme is to go Wayback. Wayback could mean something from 5 years ago, something from 20 years ago, something from 100 years ago.

Today's memory is all about my favorite snack. I ate a lot as a child. I did. Each morning was either 10-12 bowls of cereal or 6-8 bowls of oatmeal or cream of wheat. I was also a skinny tiny child, cause I know what you were thinking.

Whenever I cam home from school I would have what I still think is the best snack every, slices of velveeta melted on a bagel. Yuuuuummmm...

You're thinking, "that looks disgusting." My mom and I are thinking, "don't knock it til you try it."

Seriously. I bought some today so I could relive my memrees. Julia Cameron style*.

I did buy wheat bagels though. As a kid it was bad for ya white bread bagels ALL THE WAY. Gotta do what I can. Also, this is a really cheap filling meal. It's not healthy but it's cheap. Cheap is what I need nowadays.

*The Artist's Way. You're not really a writer until you've committed to that book and lived it and breathed it and beat yourself up over it. I kind of honestly believe that.

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