Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hi there. Long story short:

I switched positions at my work. This was an unexpected happening but also an answered prayer. My life is much less stressful. It's given me a chance to actually work on things I need to get done and have the emotional freedom to do them all well.

That being said, I have been super busy outside of work getting things in order at mah home, acting stuff, writing stuff, improv stuff, you name it. This is leaving me very little time to blog. It also doesn't help that my new position at work leaves me with no internet access. I don't even have time to read the ridiculous amount of blogs I subscribe to on my Google reader or even check Facebook that much (probably a good thing).

So I'm done for awhile.

Maybe I'll come back. Maybe with a new blog. Maybe not. We'll see.

Au Revoir for now!

1 comment:

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