Friday, May 28, 2010

Already Reminiscing...


Equally hilarious.

And that pretty much sums it up.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


See that guy? Jumping out of a plane?

That will be me very soon.

John and I bought a GroupOn to go skydiving. I have wanted to skydive FOREVER. Now that I'm actually about to do it I could not be more terrified and excited all at the same time.


I just watched this video and my stomach was turning cause I know that's gonna be me falling towards the ground. My dad has skydived twice, but both times he was all alone. Going tandem wasn't required then so him and his buds would just jump. NUTZ.

I love that the guy jumping couldn't even look out of the plane. I know I won't be able to. I also don't know how I'm going to keep my arms out, which I think you have to do. For some reason I feel like if my arms are holding on to those little straps I'm not actually going to feel like I'm falling.

It comforted me to see that the instructor was talking to the guy as they fell. I think I'll feel a lot better hearing another human beings voice so close to me so I know I'm not falling alone.

All of that is just speculation though. I'm sure I will actually be sh*tting my pants. I mean that almost literally.

Maybe if I think of it as "diving" and not "falling" I will feel better. But, really, no, because I don't know how to dive very well.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Don't read this if you haven't watched the finale.

I really enjoyed the end of Lost. It made the show worth it for me. Now normally I could care less if someone doesn't like something I don't or likes something I didn't, but with this finale there is one thing that I don't understand. How come so many improvisers weren't satisfied by the finale? I'm friends with a lot of improvisers so their opinions are the ones I hear the most.

Here's what I'm getting at. The finale basically said, all the stuff on island, all the mysteries, the sci-fi, the polar bears, didn't matter. The relationships were what was most important. That's true for life too. When we die, it's not going to matter what we did here on Earth. We will die. That's just part of it. Unfortunately when I die I may never know why, in one single day, I was called "big legged", sat on a business card for Overeater's anonymous on the bus, and then turned on the TV to an Oprah show about overeating, when in fact I'm not "big legged" or an overeater. It's just one of those things.

The same is true in improv. No one walks away from our shows thinking, "Oh man when that one guy took a gun and started shooting the other girl and she screamed, "I'll find you" and then she died but that was right after she gave birth to an otter that became the next Jesus, but before he became Jesus he had wanted to break curfew too much so he was grounded over and over again. Otter! What's the significance of an otter?" They think, "That was funny. My mom used to ground me a lot too." And we work hard for that. We work hard not to make the scene about the otter, but about the mom and son instead.

I mean, that example is kind of a weird, but you get it I think.

It's never about the things, it's about the relationships. Most of the time TV and movies are about the thing, the plot. The good ones aren't though. Take The Wire. It's not really about drug deals. It's about the people involved. You take any of those characters, set them at a breakfast table and watch it for 2 hours. It would still be intriguing.

Side note, one thing Lost doesn't get much credit for is the acting. The actors on that show bring such complex characters to a level that is so real and identifiable, even if you've never killed someone or been the daughter of a super rich Korean guy. That goes for the writers as well.

I mean, sorry if you were banking on polar bears or 4 toed statues or time travel to come together and solve the mystery of the island (read:life). The mystery of life will never be solved, but at least we have each other until it's over.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Plants Vs. Awesome

I like to think of myself as a cool person who watches shows like The Wire, does the NYT (that's short for New York Times) crossword puzzle, reads books like The Awakening and Grapes of Wrath, all while cooking dinner using fresh herbs and organic oils. You know. Cool. And fancy.

Then I am reminded that my inner child is who really runs my life when things like awesome stupid games come along.

Enter Plants Vs. Zombies:

I can't stop playing. I can't stop. Using plants to defeat zombies? I mean, hello. How much more green can you get? Using plants that grow naturally (yes, I know the plants in this game are not actually real plants) from the earth to war with evil? The world should try this sometime instead of bombs. Just saying.

My favorite plants are the following:

The corn:

You will notice a pat of butter on the zomb-friend's head. The corn shoots butter! It's so cute! and then it pelts the poor zomb-friend with tiny kernels. Adorable!

The blue mushrooms:

They freeze all the zomb-friends. That way they just get pelted and can't move. AHH, great!

And of course, this isn't a plant, but I love the little notes between levels written by the zomb-friends:

I'm such a dork and also 8 years old. That's okay thought, right? Right? Guys, it's okay?

Also, "zomb-friends" is my word for "zombies." It sounds much less threatening. Right? Guys, right?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I DO Have Taste

Lately, some of my friends have been making fun and/or rolling their eyes when I say what colors I'm using in my place. I dusky blue accent wall, hot pink accents and some yellow.

Um, hi. Is this a lovely inspiration board from an interiors store where people design for a living? Oh it is? Oh did they use a dusky blue, hot pink and yellow color combo? Oh, they did?


I'm not weird.

*Click on the pic for a link to the blog where I found this picture

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Have No Patience

I bought my first big girl couch about a month ago and I'm awaiting it's arrival as we speak. It's very exciting really.

I also leave at 7pm tonight to go to Texas for a week. Very exciting as well.

Last night, John helped me throw out my old couch. It was time for him to be retired to dumpster land and live out his days.

That leaves only my bed to sit on right now. Well, the only cushioned thing to sit on. My bed is also in my bay window giving me a perfect view of my street. So naturally I am constantly looking outside for a Roy's Furniture truck to come gliding down the street.

It's killing me.

They are delivering between 11am-3pm. But of course, every minute that goes by that I don't see the truck, I panic.

- What if they inputted the date wrong and think it's tomorrow?

- What if they already tried to buzz me but I was in the bathroom?

- What if it wasn't really Roy's who I spoke to on the phone but a kidnapper and I am unknowingly waiting to be blindfolded, gagged, and thrown in the back of a small private jet that will take me to Russia where I am questioned on my knowledge of the entire Real Housewives series?

Valid fears.

Alright, back to more waiting.

If you don't hear from me soon, please don't send help. No one needs to get messed up with Russian spies. It's risky business. Tell my mom I love her.

(Yep. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. My walls are two different colors. I haven't finished painting yet. Sue me. I'm BUSY. Gees.)