Thursday, May 27, 2010


See that guy? Jumping out of a plane?

That will be me very soon.

John and I bought a GroupOn to go skydiving. I have wanted to skydive FOREVER. Now that I'm actually about to do it I could not be more terrified and excited all at the same time.


I just watched this video and my stomach was turning cause I know that's gonna be me falling towards the ground. My dad has skydived twice, but both times he was all alone. Going tandem wasn't required then so him and his buds would just jump. NUTZ.

I love that the guy jumping couldn't even look out of the plane. I know I won't be able to. I also don't know how I'm going to keep my arms out, which I think you have to do. For some reason I feel like if my arms are holding on to those little straps I'm not actually going to feel like I'm falling.

It comforted me to see that the instructor was talking to the guy as they fell. I think I'll feel a lot better hearing another human beings voice so close to me so I know I'm not falling alone.

All of that is just speculation though. I'm sure I will actually be sh*tting my pants. I mean that almost literally.

Maybe if I think of it as "diving" and not "falling" I will feel better. But, really, no, because I don't know how to dive very well.


1 comment:

Ellen said...

dear god molly. dear god. i WANT to say that i envy you, but i am too scared of skydiving to even do that.