Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Have No Patience

I bought my first big girl couch about a month ago and I'm awaiting it's arrival as we speak. It's very exciting really.

I also leave at 7pm tonight to go to Texas for a week. Very exciting as well.

Last night, John helped me throw out my old couch. It was time for him to be retired to dumpster land and live out his days.

That leaves only my bed to sit on right now. Well, the only cushioned thing to sit on. My bed is also in my bay window giving me a perfect view of my street. So naturally I am constantly looking outside for a Roy's Furniture truck to come gliding down the street.

It's killing me.

They are delivering between 11am-3pm. But of course, every minute that goes by that I don't see the truck, I panic.

- What if they inputted the date wrong and think it's tomorrow?

- What if they already tried to buzz me but I was in the bathroom?

- What if it wasn't really Roy's who I spoke to on the phone but a kidnapper and I am unknowingly waiting to be blindfolded, gagged, and thrown in the back of a small private jet that will take me to Russia where I am questioned on my knowledge of the entire Real Housewives series?

Valid fears.

Alright, back to more waiting.

If you don't hear from me soon, please don't send help. No one needs to get messed up with Russian spies. It's risky business. Tell my mom I love her.

(Yep. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. My walls are two different colors. I haven't finished painting yet. Sue me. I'm BUSY. Gees.)

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