Friday, August 6, 2010

This is the view from my "desk." My "desk" is really my breakfast bar.

I'm taking a lot of time off from day-job work this month to work on real life work: writing, music, agenting (securing additional), and other acting pursuits. It's nice to focus on the things I care about in life more.

That being said, this morning I have accomplished the following:

1) Slept in.
2) Coffee
3) Cleaned the kitchen
4) Uploaded an episode of Friday Night Lights to my iPod for viewing at the gym
5) Watched an episode of For Rent, Bethenny Getting Married, and The Glades
6) Read some blogs
7) Sent e-mail to agent
8) Blogged

Only 1 of these things accomplishes the real reason I have today off. I'll get to the rest though. I did only wake up 2 hours ago. I also did several of these at the same time. Multi-tasking is something I do well and far too often.

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