Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life In Stages...

My blog is back. New and improved of course, because that is what happens with everything that goes away and comes back. Or is it? That was kind of profound for a Thursday afternoon.

I was "sick" yesterday and didn't go to work. I took what Sexy 08 would call, a mental health day and it was marvelous. I was reminded of how much I like not working. I'm good at it. My mental health day was also what prompted my need to blog.

I've reached a point in my life where for the first time I have an almost real day job. I say almost real because I am still considered part-time, even though I work forty hours most weeks. I'm not used to that. I know I'm only twenty-four but up until this point, I've worked at Starbucks and a church nursery school, only for half days at most. I am one of those people who can manage my own time outside of work very well. I am very productive when I'm not working. I set schedules for myself, and for the most part keep them. It's a skill I learned while being an unemployed actress in Los Angeles. It's an important skill for a creative-type to have really.

This working thirty to forty hours each week is killing me. I have no time to manage my time. How does that happen? Originally that's why I quit blogging because I thought it was cutting into my time, managing my time. In reality, blogging is a much nicer way to fill my workday and feel creative while I enter data or hold open house meetings where I decide who is worthy of being employed at my place of business.

That's another interesting thing. I can't really talk about my work because I have signed many a confidentially agreement and I also cannot get you a job, but to think that when prospective employees come in I'm the first thing they see, makes me laugh a little bit. I'm an actress, not a business woman. This is where I should make some joke about work being my greatest acting role, but I won't because it's not. Hopefully it won't ever be.

It is beautiful outside. It may be a little chilly but the sun is out. Promise me you will find ten minutes to stand outside and enjoy the sun.

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