Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Real Housewives Of New York City or Why I Was Late For Work This Morning

I love this show.

I don't know a lot about New York City. I doubt this is a great representation of it, seeing as how these woman make up the "elite" part of the social culture, and most people who live there don't, obviously. I have heard that woman in New York city dress really well, all the time, and where a lot of black. The show does stick true to that.

I don't know why I love this show. They are worse than the Real Housewives of Orange County. Private Schools for three year-olds, fashion week, Aston Martin's, summers in the Hamptons, the fact that their home costs even more than than they do in Newport or Irvine and they have more than one of them! Pretty crazy and mind boggling to someone like me from Rowlett, Texas.

But I love this show.

I have a feeling it's because of the Countess (the lovely woman dead center of the waifs above).

She is married to a Count which makes her a Countess. She has tons of money, set for life and still drives a Ford Explorer. Granted it's a really nice Ford Explorer, but it's a Ford. She was excited to drive her friends Ferrari, but doesn't own one herself. My mom and I both have girl crushes on her. She is bold, but nice. Elegant, but real. Sassy, but considerate.

She is a trained nurse, Fullbright scholar, and a TV host of course. Yeah, apparently she has a website...

I want to be the Countess a little bit. Maybe not with the kids and stuff, but you get the idea...

I do feel sorry for Alex (blonde, far right). Someone should tell her that you don't need status to be happy. I have no status, and I'm happy. Happiness is temporary anyway, joy lasts forever.

Oh, I'm deep sometimes.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh, I love this show too. My dream is to be a rich comedian/actor/writer in NY They do seem way more sophisticated than the LA housewives. Some of those women were borderline trashy.