Thursday, March 12, 2009

Death at a Funeral

There are several movies out in the past couple of years that I love and am pretty sure no one else has seen. One of these movies is Death at a Funeral.

Death at a Funeral is a British movie that is completely British humor and British actors (except for Alan Tudyk who is from Plano, TX Holla!!!) If you know me, you know I love all things British.

Here is the trailer:

Now. I want you to watch the trailer one more time but replace all the actors with Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Loretta Devine, Regina Hall and Danny Glover.

That's right folks. Chris Rock has decided that it's already time to remake Death at a Funeral with less white people. I'm all for diversity. What I don't understand is why a great movie has to be re-made only three years later. I mean, come on. Most people haven't even seen the original yet and now they'll just assume that the British wanted to copy Chris Rock. As if...

I will say this. For some reason, James Marsden is also in the line-up for Chris Rock's version. If you know me, you know I also love to talk about James Marsden whenever I get the chance. So I'll give some credit there.

I probably won't pay the $12.50 to see this new version of one of my favorite movies because I won't pay $12.50 to see most movies; I'm poor. But I will probably Netflix it. Just out of curiosity.

In conclusion, go watch Death at a Funeral now before it gets all weird and American.

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