Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hors de prix...

As I mentioned before, I saw two good movies this past weekend. Both were almost worth the price of admission. They would be worth the price of admission if the price of admission weren't $11-$13.00. Let's talk about why people engage in a thing called "piracy." Most of the movies those movie moguls make aren't worth over $5. Come oooooon people...

Now, for the good stuff.

Yes I saw Baby Momma.

I'm going to say it right now, I didn't have high expectations. Sorry guys. Yes, I am a female who participates in the world of comedy, and yes I do love Tina Fey, BUT I pretty much thought this movie was going to suck. I was pleasantly surprised because the movie, in fact, did not suck. I laughed a lot. I still don't buy Amy Poehler as a twenty-something, but that's cool. Greg Kinnear was also a nice touch.

The second movie (actually, I saw this movie first) was Priceless...

I loved this movie. A lot. Yes, Audrey Tautou needs to eat a sandwich. But once you get beyond her bones, this movie was really delightful! I laughed a lot! Like, a lot a lot. It was sweet and romantic and times, but really funny! Go see it. It's French and it translates quite nicely.

Allergy update: Still there. Still sucking. Still red-eyed and sleepy all of the time. Someday I will be cured when we kill off all of our plants and have to rely on artificial plants to keep us alive. I bet those artificial plants will be allergen free...

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