Wednesday, April 14, 2010


is me.

I am usually lucky enough to go home once every 3-4 months. I haven't been home since December. You're thinking that was only 4ish months ago. I'm thinking that this year has been jam packed and it feels more like 8 months ago exactly.

If I was home in the Tejas right now I would be...

Lunching here:

2nd lunching here:

Dinnering here:

2nd dinnering here:

Hugging these two muffins:

And smelling freshly cut grass:

You're thinking that it's warm outside and I will smell freshly cut grass soon enough. I'm thinking it's Cubs season and once the landscapers start coming out to plant new and replace everything that died over the winter, there will also be brand new puke and beer smells thanks to the Cubs and my proximity to their stadium.

Whew. Run-on sentence.

See? That's why I want to be there. No offense Chicago.

This post has made me realize how hungry I am. Just in general. I'm really hungry right now.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

La Madeleine!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! Their food is to die for:)