Monday, October 18, 2010


artwork by Jandy

Look at that sweeet piece of art. John made this for me for my birthday and put it in a frame. He made it in Excel. EXCEL! The man is a pixel art genius. The coin count at the top is our anniversary. He's a neat boyfriend. Perhaps I should keep him.

This week I'm pushing my organizing and cleaning and painting of the condio. Believe it or not, I'm still not done painting. Probably because I haven't been that organized about much lately. I'm getting better. I read the blog Apartment Therapy as much as I can (it's amazing, read it). The guy who came up with the blog/runs the blog/owns the blog, wrote this book:

I started it a long time ago, but only got past the first two chapters. I'm determined to finish it. At the beginning of the book he tells this story about a guy who couldn't get his life or work together after a break-up and his home in turn was a disaster. He got his home together and not only did his emotions begin to heal, but he got tons of work coming his way.

I'm not saying that getting my condio in full working order as a place that reflects my personal style and taste will get me acting jobs and I'm not going through a break-up. I would however like to come home, throw my purse on the couch and not have to stare at a wall with five paint colors on it and a bag of clothes that needs to be taken to Salvation Army like yesterday.

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